
At Last

Those of you in-the-know are well aware that Zink has always had a crippling addiction to seamless cubemaps. Specifically, Vulkan doesn’t support non-seamless cubemaps since nobody wants those anymore, but this is the default mode of sampling for OpenGL.

Thus, it is impossible for Zink to pass GL 4.6 conformance until this issue is resolved.

But what does this even mean?

Cubes: They Have Faces Just Like You And Me

As veterans of intro to geometry courses all know*, a cube is a 3D shape that has six identically-sized sides called “faces”. In computer graphics, each of these faces has its own content that can be read and written discretely.

When interpolating data from a cube-type texture, there are two methods:

  • Using a seamless interpretation of a cube yields cases where pixels may be interpolated across the boundaries of faces
  • Using a non-seamless interpretation of a cube yields cases where pixels may be clamped/wrapped at the boundary of a face

This effectively results in Zink interpolating across the boundaries of cube faces when it should instead be clamping/wrapping pixel data to a single face.

But who cares about all that math nonsense when the result is that Zink is still failing CTS cases?

*Disclosure: I have been advised by my lawyer to state on the record that I have never taken an intro to geometry course and have instead copied this entire blog post off StackOverflow.

How To Make Cubes Worse 101

In order to replicate this basic OpenGL behavior, a substantial amount of code is required—most of it terrible.

The first step is to determine when a cube should be sampled as non-seamless. OpenGL helpfully has only one extension (plus this other extension) which control seamless access of cubemaps, so as long as that one state (plus the other state) isn’t enabled, a cube shouldn’t be interpreted seamlessly.

With this done, what happens at coordinates that lie at the edge of a face? The OpenGL wrap enum covers this. For the purposes of this blog post, only two wrap modes exist:

  • edge clamping - clamp the coordinate to the edge of the face (coord = extent or coord = 0)
  • repeat - pretend the face repeats infinitely (coord %= extent)

So now non-seamless cubes are detected, and the behavior for handling their non-seamlessness is known, but how can this actually be done?


In short, this requires shader rewrites to handle coordinate clamping, then wrapping. Since it’s not going to be desirable to have a different shader variant for every time the wrap mode changes, this means loading the parameters from a UBO. Since it’s further not going to be desirable to have shader variants for each per-texture seamless/non-seamless cube combination, this means also making the rewrite handle the no-op case of continuing to use the original, seamless coordinates after doing all the calculations for the non-seamless case.

Worst of all, this has to be plumbed through the Rube Goldberg machine that is Mesa.

It was terrible, and it continues to be terrible.

If I were another blogger, I would probably take this opportunity to flex my Calculus credentials by putting all kinds of math here, but nobody really wants to read that, and the hell if I know how to make markdown do that whiteboard thing so I can doodle in fancy formulas or whatever from the spec.

Instead, you can read the merge request if you’re that deeply invested in cube mechanics.

Written on March 16, 2022